Birthday Boy

My sweet boy turned one last Wednesday!!!  I can't believe how quickly the year has gone.  It literally feels like a month ago I was laying in my hospital bed with him laying on my chest as I breathed in his fresh newborn smell, took in every little detail of his face and itty bitty hands and whispered to him, "I love you more than you can imagine and promise you I will live everyday of my life protecting you!" 

From the moment they laid him on my chest right after delivery we had such a special connection and it has only grown minute by minute from then.... even though he cried constantly the first four months haha. 

I mean... really though.... how could you not love that face...

We spent the morning at the mall waiting for my computer to get fixed which I felt kinda guilty about so while we waited I showered him with lots of sugary treats, a pretzel and a trip to the Disney store.

After afternoon naps we headed to Disney for the rest of the day and got him his Mickey hat.  It has become tradition to get them one on their first birthday and then we just watch them toddle around for a while in those ears.  Talk about cuteness overload.

We then spent some time in the ticki-room and then back home for some quick cake and presents.

I think Myra ate more of it ;).  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAXY MAXY!!!!!!! I love you forever.  

Steps at disney

On Sunday night Jordan got an email telling him that his schedule for the week had changed and he had the week off with the exception of two night shifts... which meant we got to spend a lot of time together.  I was SO excited.  So on Tuesday we gathered up our stuff and headed for the park.

While we raced toward Peter Pan to make it in time for our fast pass we got stopped by ropes for the parade and they wouldn't let us pass... but Myra was LOVING it.  

After Peter Pan and teacups we got ourselves an ice-cream.  Im the kind of girl that likes her soft-serve on the icy side rather than creamy and Jordan had been raving about the ice cream near pooh corner after a night out with Myra, so we had to stop and get some to try.  

(Check out the fuzz on maxwell's hair)

Max has just started to take his first steps on his own... I have mixed feelings about this.  I am SO happy and proud of him but I super duper don't want my baby to grow up!  I LOVE babies and the fact that he won't be a baby much longer has put me into mourning.  

While we were at Disney we kept trying to get him to walk on his own.  He was being SO funny about it! When we want him to walk and are cheering him on he won't do it... He will only do it if we aren't really paying attention.  We will look over at him and realize he is standing on his own and had crossed half the room walking.... So since he took probably only one or two steps on his own at Disney, Im still gonna claim that some of his first steps were there!  ;)