Halloween 2016

We had such an amazing Halloween season this year full of so much fun and last night was the perfect ending with my Cinderella, gus-gus and prince.

Every year we head over to the Lake Nona area and trick-or-treat in a little town that is just absolutely adorable.  The first year we lived here I wanted to trick-or-treat there because I didn't know the areas around here very well but I felt like that area seemed safe...and the scenery didn't hurt either.    It ended up being so much fun and the sidewalks have tons of cute kids and lots of the home owners end up going all out with their decorations and then sit on their porches handing out candy.  

After about an hour (when it started to get dark) we met up with some friends  to finish up the houses on the way back to our car. I am bummed because I forgot to get a picture with them... but here Jordan is on the phone with them. :)

Also note Myra's concerned face because Max was holding her Nerds... hahaha

Now we have candy coming out our ears and I have no idea what to do with it all....any ideas?  It's quickly disappearing into the tummies of Myra and yours truly.... which is NOT what I want.  

When we got home (far past their bedtimes) we finally sat down for the dinner I made.  We were in such a rush to get out the door for trick-or-treating that we didn't get a chance to eat.  I have been on  the hunt for a delicious Halloween dinner that we can keep for a tradition and I just haven't seemed to find "the one"... I liked what we had this year, but I am not sure it is "the one".  We had a pumpkin chili with extra sharp shredded cheese on top and a delicious pumpkin salad from Trader Joes.  

Once the kids were down Jord and I put on Hocus Pocus (I have watched this movie every year since I was very young), ate some of our children's candy and then went to bed.  

So sad to say goodbye to the Halloween season but extra excited to say hello to Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This time of the year is the best!