Berries Galore

We went picking... again.  I know, I know.  Obsessed, right?  This time we went mostly because we were wanting to bake a pie but didn't have quite enough cause I scarfed all of the other ones.  We went and got several pounds and then Myra chased around the chickens, swung, and talked with the goats.  

This home and yard is absolutely amazing.  Like my friend said, "If I had a house and yard like that, I would be happy living in Florida forever!"  AMEN.  haha  SOMEDAY, someday we will have chickens and a huge garden.  But until then Ill just have to enjoy Rucks!

More Berries

There isn't a very large period of time that the blueberries are in season down here... and that season is one of my very favorite things about Florida so we try to take advantage of it and go as often as we can.  This was a pretty quick trip to pick some berries cause Jordan got to go with us before class and didn't have a lot of time to stay.  But we were there just long enough for Myra to have fun and come home covered in "black. dirt.... mamaaaaa. dirt." :)